It arrived and it seated in the hard chair of the room of wait of the clinic. Badly it waved for the girls of the reception who always dealt it with affection and attention. When entering in the doctor’s office it did not have will of speaking, to only remove of inside of the chest and the thought all the doubts and you blame that ha to much folloied it time. The doctor, friend candy and he knew that it as a bee to a flower, tried an elegant and funny boarding what he always occasioned resulted positive at these moments of the therapy. The colloquy was plus a regurgitao of all cruelty suffered when small for oldest from the origin families, impolite nicknames (MAGRELA, Olvia Palito, leg of spider, pasta of the Saint Casa etc.), the impatience of the mother (its cow; why it came back toward house; bad hair), the cousins (children as it) rudes in the words and the will to show to it, as if it already did not feel and knew of its social inferiority. all that mud was leaving together with tears and indignation! It perceived a tear in the eyes of the wanted doctor, lived in painful experiences of the mind human being, that is, a cruel and soulless infancy had been same. The salvation was always the FATHER, dolo that always it was present, making it if to feel Snow White already crowned princess of that distant kingdom in an age of ‘ ‘ It makes – of – conta’ ‘ where all the country was happy and the military dictatorship was the salvation for the loved native land. The small room with the red nose left, dark eyeglasses, therefore the tears insisted on rolling, but the chest was ‘ ‘ VAZIO’ ‘.