In the same way a table for swaddling converted into the large chest of drawers. Depending on the growth of the child height tables and chairs of such furniture is available for adjustment. The choice is yours, but the strength and reliability of such furniture leaves no doubt (photo design of apartments). Most baby needs the perfect clean comfort and fresh air. Nursery best draw in warm colors – yellow, green or orange.
Will throw up their colorful toys. Sami toys should be made from high quality materials, be easy to wash and do not contain small parts. A good children's room should not be flowers, curtains of heavy dense fabric and carpets. Because of them, a child may be allergies or lung disease. The best option would be light curtains, free flowing air and light.
They are very easy to wash and they do not gather disastrous for the baby dust. Microclimate in the room plays an important role in health Child. If the room is hot and dry, set it a humidifier. If the room is cool – you must use an oil heater. It is safe, environmentally clean and heats evenly indoor air. Choose the most exquisite lighting to the nursery does not make sense. The kid is not able to assess your talent of the designer, so much better, easier and cheaper to light up a room simple lamps that are easy to clean. The best option would be to use the room a few sources of light: the lamp on the ceiling will give a uniform diffused light and night light or sconces will illuminate the space near the crib.