It prescribes an only medicine, to the way of Hahnemann, on the basis of the totality them symptoms sick it (simillium). The unicista homeopata follows lines universal vitalistas. In this school, they are the ways of the holismo and the vitalismo that make to understand the vital dynamics of the patient, where more is indicated high powers for chronic and lower mental symptoms for acute illnesses (CESAR, 1999). 4,5 Homeoptica consultation the homeopatia consists of searching, symptomatic alterations and signals physical that characterize the patient in its totality so that it not only discovers the symptomatic one of the sick person and of the illness (BARBOSA GRANDSON, 2006). The majority of the homeopticas consultations if of the one for the search of a solution for a problem of health for which the aloptico treatment if showed inefficacious, indicated dust friends, familiar, or known that had gotten success with the homeoptico treatment (RODRIGUES et al., 2007).
The medical homeopata searchs the symptoms associates to the factors that improve or get worse the illness. The emotional factors of the patient with regard to the illness and its life, its familiar and surrounding relationship where it works, its personality, as it is felt, its frustrations and etc. In the consultation the homeopata asks, observes, listening and examines the patient, to get the biggest number of information of signals and symptoms so that it can elaborate biopatogrfica history, and has optimum scientific exploitation of the clinical case. It is used interrogatory that they do not induce option answers (SOURCES et al., 2009). After to make anamnese with all the possible information of the patient, has of being verified optimum medicine indicated for each case in the search for the Simillium of each patient. The medicine is chosen in accordance with associations that if identify with the symptoms of the patient (HUNTER; IRIART, 2007). To classify the priority of the symptoms a hierarchy is used where if it commands of the following form: I Symptoms Constitutional (personality), II Individualizantes (mental, general and local) and III Common (functional upheavals), where in a repertoire the symptoms receive a punctuation in accordance with its importncias and verify it better option of to be used medicine; later it is conferred in the medical substance if the indications in the totality of the substance have to see with the image in the totality of the patient (BARBOSA GRANDSON, 2006).