
Phlebotomists are health care workers who are specially trained to take blood.

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Month: November, 2013

Nursing Interventions Classification

22 November, 2013 (18:13) | General | By:

Analysis of the scientific production on the Classification of the Interventions of Enfermagem (NIC) of 1980 the 2004 1 Jeane Rego Barbosa 1 Formanda de Enfermagem of the College San Francisco de Barreiras – FASB. SUMMARY This study objectified to revise the knowledge produced on the Classification of the Interventions of Enfermagem (NIC), available in […]

Nutrispa Thinning Program

10 November, 2013 (15:37) | General | By:

You will lower gradually of weight, HEALTHY and LASTING form. 3.APRENDERS in addition To nourish the WELL-BEING. 4. It will be funny and easy to you to take; without passing hunger, weighing foods, calculating calories/nutrients, prohibirte no food 5. You will improve the relations with the others. 6. You will fall anxiety and depression 7. […]


4 November, 2013 (09:36) | General | By:

In it, we make the exodus of the slavery for the freedom, of the death for the life, as Jav made with the Hebrew people in Egypt. ' ' I saw, I I saw the misery of my people who is in Egypt. I heard its outcry because of its oppressors, therefore I know its […]