Try this period of time to be patient in relation to those around you people do not give in to provocations and attempts to annoy or hurt you. It would be better if you learn how to humor out of the conflict or even prevent their occurrence. You should spend more time with their children, they need your attention and participation. This period of some representatives of the signs of the zodiac will be marked by major changes in his personal life. It is quite possible that at the beginning of winter you will find his second half, if so far it has not. This event will be a surprise, you’re not ready for it. But it does not interfere with tying a close relationship that will last long enough.
Time for a positive conclusion marriages, families, so.zdannyh winter (early) in 2005, will prevail understanding and love. Toward the middle of winter, representatives of the zodiacal constellation Virgo may feel unwell, tired and nervous affect strain at work and at home. Maybe you should think about how to distribute the daily household chores among all members of the family: why take on such burdens themselves. Your household may well handle yourself with some of affairs at home no worse than you. If you listen to this advice, you’ll see how much free time you will. Believe me, it can be done more efficiently and more profitably. It is known that people born under the sign of Virgo, it’s hard to relax, they pay little time yourself, your health, always thinking and caring about others.
The middle of winter – it’s time to do them, take a break from household chores. Try to get together with family for a ski town at the base of the weekend. Ski walk on a frosty sunny day will be an enjoyable pastime and will cause a lot of positive emotions. If you can not leave behind the city limits, go with friends or relatives to the nearest stadium, there certainly is a skating rink or ski trail. You say that you do not ski and skate? They can be hired on the spot. This form of recreation not only good for physical health, but also positively affects the psychological state of a person, increasing vitality, giving cheerfulness and good humor for a long time. Wait for the news from distant relatives, they must please you. But do not forget to congratulate them with all the holidays, it is not necessary to buy and give expensive gifts, cards with enough sincere wishes. For them, important consideration.