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The Uruguay

16 November, 2018 (00:33) | General | By:

Then I play them to formula it Colorada Bordaberry of Leon and is in this that I will stop to express my indignation, when Bordaberry, after Hugo De Leon revoleo flag colorada shouting Viva Colorado Party as former toward wearing the shirt of national and proudly spread throughout the country more than once, because with that shirt we represent in copa America and intercontinental, being the sports coat that we were, Pedro, knowing that at that time almost the entire country watched them on TV as if it were in chain of radio and television, said that he knew who vote in runoff and without hesitation with smiling face named Luis Alberto Lacalle, for being as he understands the fittest to preside over the country I wonder: do if Pedro Bordaberry knew beforehand that he was not elected President, because I do not withdraw his candidacy and support directly to their leader, Luis Alberto Lacalle avoiding the Uruguayans unnecessary costs?, as it is the case of the countrymen who travel from far away to be able to vote and see cercenadas their chances once more failing to find most of them with the vote if epistolary, or of the Uruguayans who live in this country that sees as for convenience of some demagogues leaders want balloting generating an avoidable expense Yes would realize that the sum of the votes of the second and third and even fourth together would not give to defeat the majority. Thank heaven that a Bordaberry is not and will not be never again President of Uruguay, since it would be able to deliver again and without consulting with his followers to the military with the consequences which, as we all know. If 47.5% of Uruguayans were fans of Nacional and his team were about to move to quarterfinals of the intercontinental and the result of a match contested by Penarol, already classified, and the team that could make that national did not come, what would be your feeling at that time, hincharia by Penarol or expect that this play with dignity? And if the head coach of Penarol said at press conference, that would put all alternates to deal with this team? Do x and more even, say that it is better to lose that encounter for its traditional rival did not come to the end with his own chance instances as half of the country would feel? How honest would let the best win. The Uruguay does not need another party, ROSADITOS, need that honesty and decency of the Uruguayans will prevail, needs honorable people who work with pride and honesty. Why this Uruguayan, one more than the 47.5%, invites reflection, if you are a Colorado with shame, join the majority of your brothers Uruguayans. Fernando Autor and source of the article.