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Tag: Psychology

General Hospitals

10 December, 2018 (06:33) | General | By:

The church remodels its institutions hospital and starts to use them with the same purpose of the General Hospitals. Other institutions are created and are reopened the leprosrios, not with the medical direction that had old, but with the intention of if becoming boarding schools. Later they had been created workhouses managed for the judge […]

Depression Implications

25 January, 2016 (04:58) | General | By:

Stress and depression: an inevitable consequence of recognized modern life, which had a devastating impact on mental and physical health. Due to depression and stress may occur such species mental disorders like addiction, insomnia, skin diseases, diseases of the gastric system, hypertension, migraines, certain types of bone diseases, disorders of kidney function, broncho-pulmonary diseases, allergies […]

Emotional Work

2 March, 2014 (20:12) | General | By:

Burn out is one estresse of the work that it reflects in the daily life. Symptoms in the Burn out: lost desmotivao, hopes and ideals, depression for disillusion, descompromisso, lack of emotions. I diagnosis it follows a sequential process where three situations must exist for one diagnosis necessary and coherent with the syndrome. It follows: […]

Human Nature

6 July, 2013 (00:38) | General | By:

For such is human nature to analyze the situation and the weighted decisions. If the analysis of handwriting you find periodic or haphazard changes in the slope of handwriting, it can indicate low psychological stability of people, a sharp change in his mood. Likely volatility and meticulously to detail. Sometimes a periodic change of slope […]

Mood Affects

24 March, 2013 (13:10) | General | By:

We can say that our State of mind is directly linked with our surroundings and events happening in him. So, when our everything about flows in a positive way, we see in general things under a prism of optimism, so our State of mind is also seen influenced by this situation. But the reality that […]

Productive Psychological Strategy

4 March, 2013 (00:34) | General | By:

Productive psychological strategy of the XXI century (popular science article) in this journalistic article, I want to outline some popular scientific ideas and practical plans studies, used in the training developed by me as well, the idea underlying the system of psychotherapy, I created that got the author's name – Christian integrative therapy (or shorter […]

Brazilian Language

27 December, 2012 (23:18) | General | By:

Thus, it was identified adds problems that lead you difficulty in learning of deaf students, such problems of separation Junction, where the student donates not segments the words correctly, vice oralizao because the sound that make up the spoken word is transformed into letters and turns, and Deaf and Sound, in which the sound shows […]

You To Lose Weight, What’s Next ?

5 December, 2012 (13:37) | General | By:

So summer is over, in the words of an old song. Many have already returned from vacation, almost svelte and refreshed. A nose again Winter, a sedentary lifestyle with a few exceptions, the long winter evenings in front of TV or in a cafe. Pounds will inevitably return, and we, especially women, begin to lose […]


26 October, 2012 (23:31) | General | By:

This foiresguardado space, so that the patient could perceive itself, to take conscience of suaspotencialidades, becoming free itself of the arrests, of fears paralisantes preconceptions, atento. The atendimentos contextualizados with respect to cirurgiae its implications exceed for feelings and emotions, self-knowledge, entreoutros subjects. Oindividuo that decides to submit itself to the baritrica surgery faces one […]