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Tag: insurance & pension

Private Health Insurance

12 September, 2018 (12:48) | General | By:

Advantages and disadvantages of different models for insurance the most citizens in Germany are legally obliged. Only workers with a monthly income amounting to more than EUR 4.125 and self-employed are excluded from the health insurance requirement. These groups can take out private insurance. The finance portal is pros and cons of statutory and […]

Dental Insurance Foundation

4 February, 2017 (00:56) | General | By:

New rates – top services – many winner Stiftung Warentest has once again taken the insurance under the magnifying glass and recently more accurately checks the dental insurance. But even if Stiftung Warentest rated various insurance companies as positive, this does not mean, that this covers the customer desires, always. What services of the health […]

Social Security: There Is What Insurance?

17 June, 2016 (19:47) | General | By:

A brief overview of the Versicherungsdschungel facts on the topic of social security: the five pillars of the social security the German social security system consists of the so-called “five pillars”. These are: health insurance, accident insurance, pension insurance, unemployment insurance, and long-term care insurance. Social insurance compulsory insurance for all employees and apprentices, students […]

Office Health

29 April, 2014 (00:56) | General | By:

The performance of the car at a glance. Important services for freelancers and employees in the performance comparison of for private health insurance overview of car services and a private health insurance performance comparison for the private Krankenversicherung (PKV) are there compared to the statutory health insurance no specified catalog of performance. Because the performance […]

Private Health Insurance

28 March, 2014 (06:11) | General | By:

A tariff change is to get a possibility of rate change and post reduction without change of insurer of many policyholders in the private health insurance (PKV) insurance contract law pursuant to section 204 in these days of post from your insurer. Often, this is not necessarily enjoyable, because it is reported, that an adjustment […]