24 April, 2024 (22:26) | General | By:
Thus, the repair is completed and it is time pleasant worries associated with the arrangement of "cushy", that is the time to think about furniture. Every modern man wants everyone to be comfortable, stylish and functional. On what kind of furniture to choose to fit all the requirements? In place of the retro-wall hard-line kits […]
Tags: construction of life, furniture
9 December, 2018 (12:26) | General | By:
Upholstered furniture – excellent interior element, with which in any room you can create a home environment, a sense of peace and comfort. It is difficult to imagine modern apartment without furniture: living without comfortable sofa and a couple of chairs, a cabinet – no small but roomy couches, kitchen – without the corner sofa […]
Tags: construction of life, furniture
10 August, 2016 (04:41) | General | By:
Mirror – it subject without whose we never dispense. He honestly and without flattery suggests how we look. People knew little currently unless would mirrors. Querying information its image we often forget that besides reflective mirrors have more features and other features and functions. Those who solve the riddle of the interaction of mirrors with […]
Tags: construction of life, design and interior
23 July, 2015 (04:33) | General | By:
100% cotton blankets have low life, like cotton clothes – after a few washings they may lose considerably in appearance. However, in combination with acrylic life of such products increases significantly. Merino wool blankets – a very popular option for those who like natural products. The only disadvantage is the need for dry cleaning. It […]
Tags: construction of life
12 September, 2013 (18:47) | General | By:
Stencil and stencil art. The story of the stencil and screen painting is deeply rooted in our history. A personality and beauty of screen painting, it is a great alternative to the modern replication and mass in the interior. As in all times and stencils are used today to decorate the walls, ceilings and ceiling […]
Tags: construction of life, design and interior