
Phlebotomists are health care workers who are specially trained to take blood.

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Rio De Janeiro

22 November, 2012 (13:39) | General | By:

In the plants also many women worked, which under pssimas conditions of hygiene and security guard lived sick or if they caused an accident constantly in the work. It is important to stand out that the wages practised to the workers were lowest possible. Inside of the plants she had a very great control, not being possible to the worker to talk with colleagues, to smoke, or to be outside of the work rank. To go to the bathroom, the laborer had that to ask for permission to the person in charge, having to ask for license and to explain what he went to make. The introduction of machines in the productive processes had served to alliviate the load imposed to the laborer, therefore was not more necessary to have much physical force, since the force mechanics made the work heaviest. Living in pssimas conditions, feeding themselves badly and little and working many followed hours, it was of if waiting that the conditions of hygiene and health of the workers> they were very precarious.

They were common illnesses as the tuberculosis would desinteria, it, tifo, the measles and the leprosy, in the laboring quarters. This without speaking of infantile mortality. Many epidemics started in the laboring quarters, that did not have canalized water and where the garbage was accumulated for the streets, attracting rats and mosquitos. THE LABORERS IF ORGANIZE Pssimas conditions of life and work of the laborers, had at the beginning motivated the organizations of workers of century XIX. One of the main characteristics of the Brazilian working-class movement of the beginning of the century was its internationalism, that is, the belief in common ideals to all the laborers, the collective union of the workers in the world all around fights and interests. One of the common claims to the laborers in the whole world was the day of eight working hours, as it was the case of the manifesto of the Laboring Federacy that carried through a general strike that paralyzed several plants of So Paulo, Rio De Janeiro, Porto Alegre, Recife, Saints among others.