Phenomenon Frolova Breathing
In every cell of the human body has its own little "impeller", producing energy and does not depend on supply of oxygen from the lungs. This method purchase of energy called airless – anaerobic. In ordinary conditions for human cells it can not be expressed as basic. But if each cell will operate a small power generator, the cell is much more resistant to all external influences. In that case, when all the body's cells begin to actively produce energy, its total output will increase by forty times. It is this energy will be spent on regeneration human health. Breathing simulator "Phenomenon Frolova" applies not only for disease prevention, but also as an indispensable apparatus diseases. It enhances the functionality of the immune system rights, enhance its adaptation to psychological stress, adverse environmental factors, including radiation.
Breathing simulator – the best way to excellent health. Cells in our body is very thin respond to any modification of the lungs. There are many ways that, by modifying the depth and frequency of pulmonary respiration, purposefully affect the operation of the cells. This influenced yoga, modern systems various breathing exercises, as well as endogenous respiration in the respiratory simulator "Phenomenon Frolova," TDI-01. If you develop a respiratory simulator had two main tasks – medical and social. It was necessary to create effective method of self-healing of a man who would be suitable for mass application.
The most significant drawback of all the breathing exercises is that they are difficult to master and to ensure human security. Breathing, despite the seeming simplicity of it, is a very powerful tool on the human body. Observed many cases where due to improper breathing place considerable disruption of health, not to mention a full recovery. That is why the method of endogenous respiration in the respiratory simulator was not based on very sophisticated effects on cells. Here we use the simplest knowledge of the laws of nature, which was embodied in the mechanism of the respiratory simulator. This way of breathing is accessible to everyone and very young children and bed-patients. Endogenous respiration of the simulator is completely safe. This Numerous tests in clinical settings. Endogenous respiration in the respiratory simulator "Phenomenon Frolova – non-drug method of healing that is holistic, effective and safe exposure on the body. It helps to solve many issues related to health. As a result of its use can eliminate the disease, strengthen the immune system and psychological. Besides breathing simulator returns youth and gives longevity.