Mobile social and professional Rehabillitation for patients with ADHD have no uniform picture of the disorder affected with ADS or ADHD. Therefore, the diagnosis in adolescents and adults is equally difficult. Circumscribed behavioral problems, frequently show themselves whereby different areas of life can be affected. A vocational rehabilitation measures must therefore be adapted to the present disturbance patterns. So the process of integration can be promoted and sustainably secured by an individual and targeted promotion in the familiar social environment. The attention deficit disorder (ADHD) is increasing in adults, one of the most commonly diagnosed psychiatric disorders. Today, conservative estimates assume that already 3% of ADS of supporting adults in the population will be 1.5%.
It is only estimates, because there are no safe studies. The above estimates are based on studies in children and the widespread Assumption that ADS in the adult age can only exist, if already existed such disorder in childhood. The diagnosis becomes more difficult with age. This is one reason that there are still no universally applicable criteria for the diagnosis in adults. The main difficulty arises but probably by the fact that with increasing age the main refuge, symptoms appear more and more into the background and secondary problems develop in a row of negative experiences, experiences and frustrations in childhood. “Whereas classic symptoms such as motor hyperactivity regress significantly and only as inner restlessness” are described and are outside and barely perceptible affect – and obsessive-compulsive disorder, avoidance behavior, self insecurity and flashy social behavior clearly in the foreground appear. Not quite wrong in this context like an iceberg phenomenon “spoken, that could convince just inexperienced therapists and physician to misdiagnosis. There are It can prevent just the briefly shown Comorbidities, which represent significant barriers to integration and permanent employment on the primary labour market.
An integration programme must therefore be consistently on the needs and resources of the person concerned to its integration processes to align to provide a basis for a successful social and professional integration. The ADHD affected all areas of life. Basically, those affected can take any profession shows an interest for the. A general inability to work due to the diagnosis does not exist in many cases. The diagnosis of attention disorder says nothing about the motivation or intelligence of the person concerned. It is merely an indication that those affected can their potential power in the form suitable for them. In addition to an early and reliable identification of the underlying disorder is a rather the interests and inclinations (Want to), on the skills and the capabilities (skills), as well as an Integrationsprogamm oriented the opportunities of the labour market (frameworks) required, to increase the chances of a lasting social and professional inclusion. The mobile rehabilitation program is specifically geared to the needs of people with attention deficit disorders (E.g. ADHD, ADS) and mental illness (E.g. depression, exhaustion syndromes) and designed.