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Natural Cosmetics

11 October, 2017 (06:18) | General | By:

The natural cosmetics market has maintained strong growth for three years and, according to the consulting firms specialized in economy, expected that this year sales of this sector to rise even more. This momentum is based on greater knowledge of persons on products derived from plants and minerals along with a greater distribution making to arrive at more places to be able to be purchased. For some time you can see in all business class of aesthetics or naturist references to natural cosmetics or homemade makeup as thus also began to offer in supermarkets and department stores. From this, large cosmetic companies began to develop more organic products and to compete in this market by facilitating access for consumers. The most requested of these cosmetics are which relate to the care of the skin (creams, lotions for shaving) to hide the imperfections of the face and are available in the form of liquid, powders or creams. The manufacture of this type of cosmetics used components extracted from plants such as FIR, Artemisia, Birch and Absinthe that allow, each of them, different applications on the human body without damaging the health of the planet. That is why it is advisable for people with allergies to chemical additives or dyes that they often have problems with synthetic cosmetics. All those who consume natural cosmetics are contributing, in addition, care of the environment and without damaging the vegetable or mineral species that each component is extracted in a very careful manner..