National Bureau
In the last quarter of 2008, China’s economy reached a disappointing 6.8% growth, closing the year with a 9% growth. As indicated the National Bureau of statistics in a statement: the international financial crisis is deepening and spreading with continuous negative impacts on the domestic economy. In relation to the U.S. economy, according to a survey by given Reuters announced last Wednesday, the American economy would continue deepening its fall in 2009 and recently could recover in 2010. It is believed that during the fourth quarter of 2008, the U.S.
economy would have contracted itself a 5.3 % in terms annualized, this being the worst fall since 1980. The efforts that the Government of Barack Obama will use to recover the economy of the crisis will involve a strong increase in the fiscal deficit which would exceed US $1.4 trillion. Meanwhile, the fall in activity continues to beat the labour market growing unemployment rate without pause. This week, the Outlook for the global economy has darkened even more. For worse, does not seem to have met the floor to this fall in the global economy. For Latin American economies, the best recommendation is to prepare to resist and increase macroeconomic discipline. Latin American countries must dismantle (or avoid) any situation that might endanger its macroeconomic health. Today, the most troubling case in the region is seen in Venezuela, where the continuity of the economic policy of Chavez can result in a crisis with a probability of occurrence for this year not less.