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Muscle Building

28 March, 2014 (11:56) | General | By:

A good diet are the key to more muscles and strong abdominal muscles is positive or negative, activating or stressful, unmotivated or creative, angry and upset or offset and left spring fatigue or feelings our diet stimulates and acts. Nothing can affect our cell and hormone metabolism as quickly and directly as our food. Every bite provides a variety of information on our body and is essential for muscle growth and strong abdominal muscles. As the diet of the traditional forms away evolved but mainly in the industrial countries and the increase in sedentary activities and decreasing physical activity lifestyle and thus the calories and nutritional needs as a whole, has changed, there is a mismatch between nutritional needs and nutrient intake nowadays many people. Therefore the question is after the “right” diet because of its importance for health in relation to the way of life always important and often discussed.

10 tips and rules for an optimal fitness and muscle building nutrition sufficient drinking: at least two litres fluid should you daily to Nehmen(andeman Besten Mineralwasser, Krautertees oder ungesusste Fruchtsafte). Reduction of FAT: should include maximum per day 60 grams of fat. Best low-fat food access (such as lean meats, potatoes, rice, vegetables and fruit). Reduction of meat: twice meat per week do just fine, lean meats such as beef, veal, Turkey or chicken (without skin) are recommended. Eat lots of fruits and vegetables: eat spread to at least five servings throughout the day. Helps with weight loss and provides the body with essential vitamins and minerals. Eat fish once a week: regular consumption of fish is especially recommended, since fish is rich in high-quality protein and polyunsaturated fat. Regularly consume whole grains: whole grains such as brown rice, wheat and millet saturate and are often healthier than white flour products.

Cook salt arm: salt only unnecessarily binds water in the body. Flavor better with herbs. Healthy oils/fats: use preferably vegetable oils/fats with a large proportion of polyunsaturated fats (such as olive oil). Abstain from regular alcohol consumption: alcohol should always be an exception! Eat with pleasure: that one does not lose the fun of eating and is forbidding everything it is important. And: who eats healthy, can enjoy small feasts at! You eat in peace!: take plenty of time for meals and create a harmonious atmosphere, about beautiful table decorations and pleasant Musik.Kauen you thoroughly and consciously enjoy the taste. Thus optimally support your digestive system. Have fun and success during training! Fitness trainer Tobias Fendt passes his experience gained from many years of activity in the field of fitness and muscle building on its homepage. He knows the most effective training methods and which are most successful. He is considered an expert in six pack training and muscle building. Since 2009 he specializes in the creation and dissemination of fitness and training tips.