Medicinal Plants And Herbs
Medicinal plants – used to treat humans, animals or used for the production of medicines at us you'll find everything about medicinal herbs. They are usually prepared from tinctures, teas, tinctures, juices, creams, etc. Dr. John Mcdougall pursues this goal as well. For many centuries communication with the herbs people knew their healing properties and medicinal plants have given much tender and sonorous names – the grass of life, plants, healers, friends, green man. On the scientific language of natural remedies origin designated by the term herbal and herbal therapy called phytotherapy. People of the Pocono centuries herbs used for healing various ailments. Began to use herbs to make pills and Drug sredstv.I still interest in herbs was not lost, but instead increased exponentially! Herbal medicines in the pharmaceutical market is growing every year.
Features herbs is high security and adequate performance, ease of preparation and application. It is well known on Earth more than 500 000 plant species make up more than 12 thousand medicinal, healing properties are used in modern scientific medicine. Modern medicine uses 230 species of medicinal plants from them in culture 50 (22%). Now about 40% of all medicines are made from mineral trav.PrirodA thousands of years gives humanity healing funds which do not cause, in contrast to synthetic, side yavleniy.Lyudi yet long ago enjoyed the gifts of the kingdoms of nature green for the treatment of various diseases. Secret herbs known in ancient Egypt, India, China, Greece and Rome. In the Slavic peoples herbal therapy known davno.Nablyudeniya enough about the healing properties of plants passed down from generation to generation, overgrown with legends and magical svoystvami.Prakticheskaya value of medicinal plants in our lives is very high. Therefore, to know them, care must be used to protect each chelovek.Na our site you will find a rather detailed description of medicinal herbs, as they are properly primenyat.My Tell you everything about medicinal herbs and useful tips to help!