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HealthShare Awards

16 March, 2014 (06:03) | General | By:

Ad-hoc awards ceremony for the winners of HealthShare Awards Cologne, 18.03.2013 the winner of HealthShare Awards 2012 have been determined: A community hospital and a group of nurses won the fight. That brought the good news of HealthShare SEK awards. Armed with water guns and complete outfit, the SEK (social-enforcement command) stormed the Office of Bjorn Kasper, the Director of marketing and communications of the clinics Food Center. The mission: The jury prize of the HealthShare award 2012. The clinics could convince the jury of six cookies for care with the action GluckSpender”.

The campaign was launched on the occasion of the World Cancer day 2012 and was the way Facebook users wishes to send baked in fortune cookies, at Essen’s cancer patients. We are thrilled and proud that we have won this award”, so Bjorn Kasper. The action was to connect the digital with the real world. The bringing together of young and old, sick and a special concern was health, us.” Among the winners of the crowd-Cup”, the audience award of HealthShare Awards, came to the SEC. “Nils Pawlik, one of the main responsible persons of the action more money for caregivers”, accepted the award on behalf. The team won the online voting and won most of the 3000 votes, which in total were submitted, for themselves. Early September 2012 the Group on their own initiative that we call Facebook page created more money for health care workers”and thus on health and health nurse students more for their interests to engage appealed.

End of November the page counted more than 63,000 likes. The team had never expected such a resonance”, says Nils Pawlik. The fans want an own homepage according to a survey. This is our next project, which we will take together with many dedicated fans,”he continues. Instead of a traditional trophy, that dust mostly on the shelves, which presented Social-enforcement command two winners one first aid kit. He is a symbol of the revival of social-media communication in the healthcare sector. The handing over of the awards was filmed. The video is available at the following link: DocCheck the social Medwork networks for a better medicine: through simplified access to scientific content, and direct technical interchange in the community DocCheck health service providers helps to deepen their knowledge and improve their daily work. More than 900,000 registered users medworken”already. Thus, DocCheck is the largest community for medical professionals in Europe. Almost every second doctor or pharmacist in Germany is a member of the DocCheck and uses our diverse means of communication and information on the topic of healthcare. Direct marketing are among the most important business models by DocCheck via DocCheck news or bMail, research in the areas of clinical studies or market research, as well as social media based marketing with DocCheck InSite. A growing number the ability to attract audiences without wastage uses by pharmaceutical companies.