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Feliz Ano

31 May, 2019 (03:15) | General | By:

The parade starts at 12 noon on Parliament Square us ends against 15.00 on Piccadilly. Happy new year! New year’s Eve in Rome in Italy must eat lentils on December 31, because lenses bring money. And whether at home with the family or in the restaurants, it is nice after eating, to admire Sternenhimmer Roms. Thousands of people gather each year on the roads to greet the new year and everywhere various bands play. But watch out when they walk the streets, because the Romans have as tradition, on the 31st of December from the Windows to throw the old things, good luck. Who is new year’s Eve in Rome, may miss the new year’s Eve – and the new year fair.

These run usually highly personally by the Pope. There’s the free cards at the Prefetto della Casa Pontifica, which are quickly sold out. Buon anno nuovo! To celebrate new year’s Eve in Barcelona new year’s Eve in Barcelona is very popular and Spaniards know how to really party and have their traditions. It is usually eat or to cook together with friends, and then going for the hot streets of Barcelona. It is important to initiate on the old year, so everything bad in the past rests. Is important 12 raisins but in the last minute of the old year to eat if the bells are ringing 12 MLA. 12 raisins are 12 months of the year and it is good luck and then you come across with ‘Cava’.

Feliz Ano nuevo! Bon any! New year’s Eve on red square celebrated new year’s Eve in Moscow in Moscow. The important thing is to bring champagne, Sovetskoe Schapanskoje breeding, and is to dress warmly, because it is cold. It it not simply to bring alcoholic beverages, it is officially banned, do make it to smuggle or one is warming up before.