Depression Implications
Stress and depression: an inevitable consequence of recognized modern life, which had a devastating impact on mental and physical health. Due to depression and stress may occur such species mental disorders like addiction, insomnia, skin diseases, diseases of the gastric system, hypertension, migraines, certain types of bone diseases, disorders of kidney function, broncho-pulmonary diseases, allergies and allergic rhinitis, heart disease and heart attacks, violation of a number of brain functions. After all, scientifically proven, that the root cause of these diseases, in many cases is is a psychological problem in man. The human body is caught in a stressful situation, immediately reacts to it and starts to panic mode. Our bodies, without our participation, immediately starts a cascade of whole chain of biochemical reactions: increased levels of adrenaline in the blood, the internal energy consumption and physiological responses reach a critical, maximum temperature, the body rolls in a large percentage of blood sugar, cholesterol and fatty acids in order to increase blood pressure, and as a consequence, quickens the heartbeat. A single stressful situation rarely harm, and sometimes even goes to benefit the body, which is mobilizing its resources. However, if stress becomes chronic, it causes irreparable human health, the tremendous damage. In a state of prolonged stress, prolonged elevated hormone cortisol in the blood triggers beginning of the development even at a young age a number of serious diseases: metabolic disorders, diabetes, heart disease, hypertension, cancer, gastritis and stomach ulcers, bronchial diseases, eczema, psoriasis, diseases of the immune system.
State of prolonged stress causes depression. Depression is characterized by depressed mood, severe mental pain, decreased ability to enjoy, decreased mental activity, a variety of abnormalities in internal organs. The development of depression due to the very thin biochemical disturbances in the central nervous system. In the first depletion safety regulatory activities of the psychic substance – neurotransmitters. The causes of depression are very diverse. The most frequent variants – strong or prolonged mental stress, including due to internal conflict, fatigue, brain injury (even in the distant past), severe and prolonged internal diseases, surgery, prolonged pain, lack of blood supply to the brain, innate neurochemical disorders, personality traits. Needless to say, that the success of treatment depends on correctly identified the causes and forms of depression. How to distinguish between depressed mood and situational depression-an illness? It is necessary to distinguish depression as a transitory state of healthy mind from depression, illness.
Time there because of some traumatic event depression is a normal reaction. Each had to experience it after the loss of a loved one, loss of prestige or self-esteem. Depression as a disease has a high intensity, duration and leads to specific symptoms of depression. If you have a long e Ressam, the best solution, consult your doctor. Depression is treatable. Since the development of depression involves both biological and psychological factors, doctors have successfully combine medication and psychotherapy. Independent access from the depression may take months or even years, and may never happen.