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Dental Insurance Foundation

4 February, 2017 (00:56) | General | By:

New rates – top services – many winner Stiftung Warentest has once again taken the insurance under the magnifying glass and recently more accurately checks the dental insurance. But even if Stiftung Warentest rated various insurance companies as positive, this does not mean, that this covers the customer desires, always. What services of the health insurance fund does not the dental insurance covers partial or whole treatments, which are not covered by the health insurance fund. Following services must be paid for privately: the dental prophylaxis, professional tooth cleaning, preventive services, like the professional dentist recommended brushing or also the Tartar removal as the following fluoride sealant will be refunded. Dental treatment even must pay the policyholder the plastic fillings, root treatments, periodontal treatments, so-called anti-grinding or biting track, orthodontic services, or pain therapy itself. What costs would be without Dental insurance arise: the following amounts have been calculated on average.

Average additional dental costs over five years from about 550 euro up to 1,200 euros. After ten years of costs between 2,500 and 4,800 euros and after twenty years of 5,700 euros up to 9,700 Euro snowstorms are. Costs not covered by the health insurance company and the patient must pay. What insurance companies have successfully completed in the Stiftung Warentest? Assumes the Wurttemberg collective named ZG70 according to the Stiftung Warentest + BZG20 + ZB all costs incurred for the insured. Also, the CSS with the tariff ZE offers top + ZB full reimbursement of the costs. The CSS also has the touch of 1.3 (very good) get. AXA Insurance at the price premium of Dent, however, would in the first five years on average an amount of 200 euro demand, after ten years 400 euros and after twenty years of 800 euros. In the end is still always significantly less than the patient without insurance would have to pay. The insurance company Stuttgart with the collective smile dental premium received from the waiting for test the touch 1.1 (very good) and charged 600 euros to 300 euros on average in the first five years after ten years and after twenty years of 1,200 euros. Test winner of the Foundation were test 2012 was the ERGO Direkt premium with the tariff ZAB + ZAE + book + ZBE. Here, there is no cost for the policyholder and all services are fully covered.