Christ Jesus
Therefore, as well as for one man the sin only entered in the world, and for the sin the death, thus also the death passed to all the men, inasmuch as all had sinned. The proper Apostolo Pablo Affirms in this above-mentioned versicle that all had sinned, no matter how hard I want I take off it of this contingent of pecadores I I could not therefore it I include when saying all I had sinned. Faithful ITm 1:15 is this worthy word and of all the acceptance; that Christ Jesus came to the world to save the pecadores, of which am I main it; This text in the aid to understand that never Pablo was saying that imitated the Christ in the condition of a spotless man, therefore when it says of the pecadores it says, of which am I main it, it he used the verb to be in the gift, I am, and clearly that with this Pablo he was not speaking that it took a desregrada life, but that yes it had conscience of its pecaminosa nature. Glatas 5:16 I say, however: You walk for the Spirit, and you do not have covets to fulfill it of the meat. 17 Because the meat fights against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the meat; these if oppose one to the other, so that you do not make what you want. In the life of the Christian the two natures in your interior the divine one that and the Espirito Santo that you receive when he is born of new and the admica that never abandons the man, and Pablo discloses that these two natures if oppose one to another one while the meat who and the admica nature wants to take the Christian to sin the divine nature that and the Spirit of God wants to take the Christian winning against the sin, and Pablo showed as this conflict happens in the interior of Christian said of if exactly, sees in the versicle that if follows..