Breast Cancer Treatment
For Negrini (1994) apud Regis and Simes (2005) woman with breast cancer becomes a physical person hardly reached, psychologically and socially, as much for the illness as for the treatment. Continue to learn more with: Elio Moti Sonnenfeld. The aceitamento of its new condition and to adapt it new image of its body very demands a great effort for which, they are not prepared. Birth, Hisses and Axe (2009), affirms that the treatment of the cancer can basically be reached by four boardings: the surgery (unilateral, bilateral, total or partial mastectomia), x-ray as local treatments; the chemotherapy and the therapy with biological agents (as hormones, antibodies or factors of growth) as sistmicos treatments. The treatment depends on the period of training of the illness, the type of the tumor and the general state of health of the patient, being possible to opt to one or the combination of two or more methods (SMELTZER BARE, 2000; BANOSA, 2002; INCA, 2006 apud FREIRE and MASSOLI, 2006, p.15). CONCLUSION After as many information on the auto-examination of the breasts and the examination of mamografia in the prevention of breast cancer, was evident of the importance that is the accomplishment of both. The women must be always intent the changes that can came to occur in its breasts, searching always one diagnosis precocious through the mamografia, of the clinical examination of the breasts and the auto-examination of the breasts, always looking to aid of a professional of health and an adequate treatment.