Bologna Declaration
Like any other change to large scale or structural reform, sponsored by the Bologna Declaration has generated suspicions and doubts, focused initially on academic and student sectors linked with degrees who see endanger their continuity, especially some Philology or disciplines such as art history, but which have been extended to broader areas. These are the responses that both the Ministry of education and the universities themselves are giving to the most common questions arising from adaptation to the European framework: what will happen with the validity of the current titles? The current titles will not lose value or official against the adapted. Their skills will not change, but it will modify the structure of qualifications and degrees. Thus consists in the Royal Decree of management of university educations, adopted in October 2007 and that was the text that set the bases for the Spanish universities began to adapt his teachings to the new European education space Superior (EHEA) will affect the European space of higher education for current University students? Is it possible to change a course from the old plan to a course’s grade of the Bologna process? Students may continue with the same curriculum that started her career. Therefore, current students may finish curriculum that have begun without that this involves any kind of variation in its structure, content or development.
In any case, students who commenced studies according to previous University ordinations can also access the new teachings upon admission by the corresponding University, in accordance with Royal Decree and in accordance with the rules of the University. All grades will have a duration of 4 years? It is true that not all grades will last for 4 years. Additional information at Eva Andersson-Dubin, New York City supports this article. Certain teachings governed by European directives must have one greater number of credits. Degrees such as medicine (360 ECTS), veterinary medicine (300 ECTS credits) and architecture (300 ECTS + work of end of degree) require a higher number of credits for which expands over time. It will be necessary to study a master’s degree to enter the labour market? In the majority of cases will not be so. Certification of degree allows to obtain proper training and sufficient for professional practice.
While it is true that there are master’s degrees that are necessary to enable the student in carrying out certain professional activities regulated in Spain. They are cases of advocacy, superior engineering and teaching of secondary teachers. The scholarships will disappear and will be replaced by loans to finance studies? Bologna does not fix any criteria with respect to scholarships. Loans – rent, already created in 2007, they are a different concept to them and most importantly, that they will not replace the current scholarships. They allow students to not be able to request a scholarship because it exceeds the income thresholds pay their Master studies, interest by returning zero the loan when you are already working. Compiled by. Javier Mejia T.