Bathing is swimming in the Lake in 2011 or prefer showers in the rain there Monsun-the amendment of the concept of wellness in Spa (Sanus per Aquam is enough Alone not sufficient healthy through water), to reach customers today. The actual meaning of Spa is the reflection of nature, which is origin and model of life. This desire is in every human being and therefore is a basic need that is spreading in the bathroom design as well.Significantly, the success lies in the overall concept. The emotion in the room at the same time, is perceptible and tangible that daily experience in the bathroom is therefore similar to a ritual. A luxury spa offers its users this naturalness.
This is supported by the use of exclusively natural, exclusive materials. Enjoy, experience and relax is the motto, which in detail for the area of the bath room plans and implements. Design der Extraklasse emerge as usual by in-depth knowledge of psychology and Physonomie of the people. The sensitive implementation of individual customer requirements is crucial. Feelings, comparable with a swim in the lake or showers in the monsoon rain can become so reality. Torsten Muller and his partners this show in their projects.
Which reached his lightness is mainly Prazsision, empathy, due to knowledge and the knowledge of new materials and their availability. According to Torsten Muller special float glass is currently innovative material for distinctive ambience. This includes materials such as grasses, shells or even Bikenzweige embedded in resin. The look is accompanied by sensual fragrances, selected of push computer control system of the day and also season adaptable. Even a snow rain to cool off is possible. In the bathroom today materialize Sun, heat up and also this desire to light therapy. Explanation: lighting concepts impact heavily on the psychology and mood of people. Light is used not only as a mood maker but also as Stimmungsveranderer. The same applies to audio and optics. Using gentle Sculptures made of Rose Quartz splash of a waterfall from waltz Crystal or gem a natural inspiration, which invites you to dream due to the arising out of watercourses. This three-dimensional space experience is extra security – and unusual, that at the same time appeals to the five senses of man, annimiert and activated. Seamlessly the exterior and, whose seclusion joins also seamless Tan allowed. Visitors revel here crizaldo alone and enjoy the uninterrupted views of the sea and warmth. Also the concerns are exclusive. A relaxation Lounge on the man or woman is only is passe. In the sense of a largely holistic approach of the senses, must enjoy more. So they have relaxing radiant heat, which allows a concern such as on cotton. Also gentle vibrations, which at the same time gently massaging muscles and tendons make on the holistic lounge to relax. It’s called the room & bathroom designer Torsten Muller a multisensory journey into a world of absolute well-being. Alone a feast for all the senses is soft colours, exclusive Interior, to be the wonderful scents in the Spa.