
Phlebotomists are health care workers who are specially trained to take blood.

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Arias Microcurso

1 March, 2018 (04:18) | General | By:

Communication between the coach and the players who are part of the team that directs, is fundamental and indispensable and if it does not exist, there is no possibility of understanding. Why is necessary absolutely that the technician knows how to communicate with his players to be able to convey all that which knows and intends to make them arrive, to achieve maximum performance pursuant to the individual potential of each of them. Of little use to a coach be very prepared and have some great football if then knowledge for reasons that are not known to get them to your computer. Why in football are cases of technicians with a not overly broad knowledge and with limited resources, but who nevertheless know connect with soccer that manage to convey what they want to achieve from him and most importantly, are convinced that you can get it making him believe in himself and squeezing their full potential both sporting and personal in a good wayTherefore if the communication fails coach that the first did not transmit to the second what intended, this affects negatively and in a very high percentage performance of the footballer. The coaches have to realize this important aspect of their daily work, since sometimes as much as talk and repeat things, again and again, the message not reaches its destination that is transmitted in the wrong way and also the case of those coaches that even knowing express very well is also, only listen to themselves, and that if that is a real problem, that have been correct if they are to be effective in the development of its activity.