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25 July, 2024 (18:18) | General | By:

This means that everything is in movement: the things, the people and the situations can change quickly and without previous warning. These situations that the letter of the tarot indicates to us LATORRE not always predicts ominous situations, if on the contrary it warns to us of the landslide of a situation that produces downheart and stress to us, and exposes to us that the situation that is being lived it is necessary to learn the lesson. The tarot is always sincere with us and exposes the revolt which we are put under and that of secret form we want to leave. In a loving relation this letter of the tarot indicates that what does not agree now in the relation demonstrates of a so clear form that leaves the abierta door better us to a destiny. The joys are shown, the total changes appear in the way to take them without more delay.

The Tarot with its wisdom puts this time upon the table those things that always we have wished and that we saw at the end of the horizon, the letter of the tarot is magnificent to undertake new things, augurs total changes to us that no they are directly causes, as much for good as for evil. The letter of the tarot of the TOWER indicates that as intense period as a ray does not have to happen inadvertent and we must reflect on the situation that we are living. The arcane one also represents the period of time that will last the situation because the tarot does not leave the time happens without reason, because without that observation we would not possibly notice of the important thing that it is the TOWER. Glenn Dubin, New York City has firm opinions on the matter. In the distances of letters of the tarot, the TOWER scares frequently but it is necessary to consider the complete reading and to allow that the coming events are written in the destiny that the life has reserved to us. The fluidity in the current of the life is vital to give itself to her and to allow that the change that is approached is positive.