
Phlebotomists are health care workers who are specially trained to take blood.

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Anemia Blood

17 January, 2014 (09:41) | General | By:

Anemia is a condition that results when people do not have enough red blood cells, the effects of anemia ranging from mild symptoms, in the short term, such as fatigue and paleness in the skin, and long term as heart failure. Although the effects of anemia can be serious, they are regularly treated with success in the majority of the people. There are several causes of anemia, in some it can be caused by loss of blood due to surgery or, in women, menstrual periods product. Anemia is also caused by the lack of sources of iron and other nutrients in the diet, more common in people with eating disorders or in those that follow strict diets and eliminate certain groups of whole foods. Some diseases are cause that your body does not produce enough red blood cells, causing anemia. In general, the effects of anemia refers to what is so low the level of red cells in the blood. When RBCs are just below normal levels is called a mild case of anemia, and can be no visible effects.

Symptoms of anemia include feeling of fatigue, shortness of breath, dizziness or confusion, pallor, cold extremities, and headaches and chest. When the amount of red blood cells are low and the person is not treated in a long time, you may suffer the serious effects of anemia; for example, anemia often lead to an irregular heartbeat, called arrhythmia, which can damage the muscle of the heart over time. In severe cases, this disease is the cause of cardiac insufficiencies and damage to other organs, which can be fatal. Treatments that are often recommended to help resolve the effects of anemia and avoid damage to long term for the body depend on the cause of the anemia. For example, in cases of deficiencies in the diet, supplements and modifications in the diet is recommended. Other treatments include blood transfusions, hormone supplements and medications to treating concomitant health problems that may be contributing to the low level of red blood cells.